Interested in Being a Board Member?
Our board consists of dedicated individuals who are committed to guiding our organization towards its mission and vision. The board is structured into two main categories: Officers and Board Seats, with terms that ensure continuity and fresh perspectives.
Our officers provide leadership and direction for the board's activities. Board members occupy specific seats, with terms categorized by their expiration years to ensure a balanced rotation of expertise and leadership. All seats are 1 year terms.
Each board member plays a crucial role in the governance and strategic direction of our organization. Our structure ensures a diverse range of perspectives and expertise, contributing to the effective and dynamic leadership of our organization.
The commitment is one monthly meeting every second Thursday of the month. These meetings have a virtual meeting option. In addition to the monthly meeting, we expect each board member to guide one ride.​
If you are interested in becoming a board member, please let us know at a meeting or event, or contact us at for more information.